If you have been looking for this page and now finally found it, you are on the right track to solve your water problems in a natural and sustainable way.
The methods and services presented here rely on a high level of competence, taking the results and findings based on scientific studies into the scope of this application. Due to ongoing changes in climate and economic conditions, our perspectives and procedures are becoming increasingly important to all of us.
On this page you will find a great deal of information about the use of microorganisms for the biological treatment of water. Microorganisms are able to remove a variety of substances in the water (the impurities in water) for their own growth or to generate energy from water. This is exactly what we internalize so that water systems will regain a natural and thus stable equilibrium.
Developments and findings from environmental biotechnology enable us to bring natural cleaning sequences of nature in a technological system to allow water to be recycled environmentally friendly and economically again. Everybody can benefit from this type of treatment. There are no toxic by-products, costs are low and the effects on humans and nature are nothing but positive. The biological cleaning system, the biofilm reactor, will be discussed in more detail hereafter.
This system is applicable to aquariums, garden ponds, koi ponds, swimming ponds, swimming pools and also for environment-conscious people who want to get rid of chlorine, industrial water treatment etc.
Why is water treatment a must-do?
Since ponds are not permanently refilled with fresh water, a koi, for example, lives in its own toilet to begin with. The water has continuously to be cleaned quickly and prepared with the help of an efficient water treatment. Koi owners must ensure that the living conditions are being optimized for the fish. In a practical sense, the water treatment process which takes place in common clarification plants, has appropriately to be adapted to a pond.
Why water cleaning?
The water treatment installed at the pond for cleaning the pond water should eliminate the following components from the water: First, the dissolved substances, such as fecal pellets, crop residues, other suspended solids, algae residues etc.
Second, it is important to remove dissolved components from the water. These components, such as ammonium/ammonia, can be dangerous for fish. Also, other substances like phosphate (promotes algae formation), nitrate and especially organic carbon must be removed from water. If these removals are left undone, those substances are still in contact with water, resulting in the fact that further components will steadily be delivered into the water and the number of water pollutants will increase time and again.
Photos: Brushes and Japanese filter mats inside a chamber filter make for a continuous replenishment of water polluting substances.
Only an efficient microbiology can remove these substances from the water. A major contaminant in water is organic carbon that also comes from the excretions of fish. Organic carbon is used by microorganisms to create new biomass and metabolic energy.
A lot of microorganisms only exist in the presence of oxygen (aerobic), and many species are able to survive even if water does not contain any oxygen (anaerobic).
Both conditions, aerobic and anaerobic, are crucial to remove water polluting substances like carbon, nitrogen or phosphorous. For example: If levels of organic carbon in water are much too high, the biological cleaning performance might not be sufficient enough. In addition, the high organic carbon concentration increases the density of microorganisms in open waters, which can cause a turbidity of water and may result in levels of about 106 germs per milliliter.
The increased density of microorganisms in open waters can also affect the health of fish, and the number of pathogenic microorganisms may sharply increase (rod-shaped bacteria such as the Aeromonas or Pseudomonas species which increase the risk of infection in the water, thus leading to increasing frequency of wound infection; enterobacteria put a strain on the immune system of the animals and can cause various diseases).
However, the strong biofilm inside the biofilm reactor prevents a high density of microorganisms in open waters (pond water) because it gets the necessary nutrients from the water and thus impairs the nutritional basis for microorganisms in open waters. The biotechnology of the biofilm reactor is designed to avoid the extensive spread of anaerobic areas inside the biofilm – in contrast to large and bulky chamber filters which over time suffer from an uneven perfusion.